Sunday, August 23, 2009

What An Adorable Little Lady

I work overnights and on my days off I keep my strange hours, which means I go to bed around 6:30 or 7:00 am every morning.

Jamie gets off work at 11:00 pm and is usually in bed around midnight. Saturday morning, when I decided to go to sleep, I found Jamie draped diagonally across the mattress at such an angle I found it impossible to crawl into bed.

Here's what happened next, and bear in mind that Jamie didn't open her eyes once during this entire interaction:

"Hey, scoot over," I said.

She waves me away with one hand.

"I can't get on the bed, scoot over."

She shakes her head no.

I pat her knee to indicate she needs to scoot over.

"Beat it, geek."

She legitimately said that. She has no memory of it, but it happened. Eventually, she finally scoots over. The dog hops on the bed also, and I start to pet him.

"Stop petting the dog," Jamie says.

"Why?" I ask.

"So that I can get some SLEEP!" Jamie yells.

Well, alright then.


Anonymous said...

and you say I'm not romantic...

Seth said...

Get a life you loser. Let's start a book blog